EPK creation Service - SONO Music


Original price was: €250,00.Current price is: €100,00.

SONO Music proudly introduces its groundbreaking Artist EPK (Electronic Press Kit) Creation Service, a comprehensive solution designed for musicians and bands aiming to make a significant impact in the music industry.

Key Features:

  • Personalized Design: Receive a custom-designed EPK that reflects your artistic personality and musical style. Our team of skilled designers will work closely with you to create a visually stunning and cohesive layout that captures the essence of your artistry.
  • Content Creation and Optimization: From compelling biographies to engaging artist statements, our experienced copywriters will craft content that resonates with your target audience. We optimize every aspect of your EPK for clarity, impact, and search engine visibility, ensuring your talent gets the attention it deserves.
  • Media Integration: Highlight your musical journey with high-quality media integration. Whether it’s professional photos, music videos, audio samples, or press coverage, we seamlessly incorporate all your media elements to present a dynamic and immersive profile.
  •  Event and Achievement Showcase: Showcase your past performances, tours, and notable achievements. Our service includes the meticulous curation of your event history and accolades, presenting a compelling narrative of your growth and success.
  • Social Media and Streaming Links: Amplify your online presence with direct links to your social media profiles and music streaming platforms. We make it easy for industry professionals and fans to connect with you and explore your music.
  • Mobile and Desktop Optimization: With responsive design, your EPK will look flawless on any device, ensuring a perfect viewing experience for busy promoters and talent scouts on the go.
  • Fast Turnaround and Revisions: We understand the fast-paced nature of the music industry. Our team is committed to delivering your EPK with speed without compromising quality.


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